
7 Frequently Asked Questions to Ask When Buying Materials for Roofing Projects and their Answers

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or someone who’s trying a roofing project for the first time, you don’t always know what materials are going to suit your project the best. Today there are new materials and roofing solutions being created all the time, and innovation means that sometimes you might have to catch up before you can move forward with your build.

The most commonly asked questions when buying materials are all about getting the best material for your money, and how to make sure you’re building to last. Not everyone is an expert, and sometimes you need to know how to get to square one before you can set off. Here are 7 frequently asked questions that can help you get up and running.

1. Which Option Is Best For Me?

There are a great variety of new materials, combinations and qualities that you may come across. Metals, polymers, woods, hybrids and combinations all offer different qualities for different purposes.

Flat roofing for example will require waterproofing membrane made up of different layers that you can seal together to create a tight finish. Ask a company the question you want answered and they can help guide you through each option, Make sure though that you can clearly explain in detail what it is that you need now, and what you may have planned for the future.

2. How Long Will It Last?

This depends on the material, the supplier and the installation; good waterproofing for example could last between 15 and 25+ years. While this is a large gap of guarantee, roofs never know what’s going to come down on top of them! Depending on where you live, this could change too. You should always look for a life expectancy from any installation or material supplier, and they’ll happily fill you in but remember the guidelines will only prove to be accurate if you treat the materials with care and carry out proper maintenance.

3. Is Expensive Always Better?

In most cases, you can get the same thing for a cheaper price if you know the right people and find the right place. With roof projects, the answer to this question isn’t a straight yes or no. Expensive isn’t necessarily always better, because you can barter for a good deal, or find a slightly cheaper place off the beaten track, but generally cheap materials aren’t a good idea. Expensive materials cost more for a reason, and with roofing you definitely have to think long term benefits rather than short term cost. Getting quality will save you in the long run!

4. What Company Should I Use?

There are a number of reputable suppliers in the UK, and it’s important that you choose a supplier that has experience. Just because the small roofing expert down the road says he has been in the business for years and can ‘sort you out’, doesn’t mean you’ll get more bang for your buck.

Read online reviews from past customers to check out which company is reliable, professional, honest and experienced. They know how to treat materials properly, supply your individual needs better, and how to store them and transport them to maintain the best quality.

5. What Happens If Disaster Strikes?

Certain roofing projects and materials will have specific guarantees, as we looked at in the second of our FAQs. If disaster strikes and the material are at fault through performance, then you may be able to get money back and compensation for any damage. Before you buy materials and pay for any installation, it’s important you check out the terms and conditions to check how you stand if the worst happens.

6. Is It Better To Build Flat Or Sloped?

Depending on the style of your roof, materials that you buy could vary, so this question is one that you should definitely tackle before you make a purchase. Most people will assume that the more difficult sloping roof is the best option for drainage, but flat roofs have actually excelled in recent years when they’re built properly.

Allowing you to maximise space within the property, a flat roof can also give you a great future option to expand or build a feature space on your roof. Compare prices of the materials, bearing in mind that a flat roof could be perfectly viable due to advanced waterproofing membranes.

7. Should I Choose Form Or Function?

Materials today have the amazing capability to fulfil both. Practically there are certain things that may have been difficult in the past; making something completely waterproof, strong and resistant might have meant that it didn’t end up too nice to look at. Now materials have advanced to have great functional properties that you need for roofing projects, without compromising the aesthetics of your design. In answer to our final FAQ, choose both!


These 7 questions are things that we should all ask before we hand over our hard earned cash. Always make sure that you’re getting the most for your money, whether it’s time, quality, warranty or inspiration for a new design. It may be all of the above! Going in armed with knowledge will mean you make the right investment. Good materials go a long way; if you invest in the best, you can rest assured that your project will keep a good roof over your head for years to come.

Image credits: Bonedaddy.P7 and DBduo Photography

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